How to Recover When Your Partner Gets Sober

And I did end up saying, hey, by the way, I stopped drinking, you know, two, three months ago. But she was like, Oh, yeah, I totally get that I have to keep my eye on it myself. I, I’ve stopped at different times. So, it actually kind of brought us closer, we did end up becoming friends. Welcome to the Hello Someday Podcast, the podcast for busy women who are ready to drink less and live more. I’m Casey McGuire Davidson, ex-red wine girl turned life coach helping women create lives they love without alcohol.

Individualized, evidence based treatment, to fit your needs.

  • A Spouse’s Guide to Alcoholism Recovery.
  • Most relationship issues result from both people doing or saying something hurtful, which means reconnecting with others means facing the pain you both experienced.
  • Instead, it’s a step-by-step formula for changing your relationship with alcohol.
  • Honest communication is crucial to any relationship, but it is especially essential for individuals in recovery.

He is an ordained pastor and International Crisis Response Chaplain, is certified in CISM. He is the Lead Pastor at the Recovery Church Treasure Coast – PSL and heads up the 501c3 ministry of Mont Sinai Ministries Bayonnais, serving orphans and widows in Bayonnais Haiti. He is currently finishing his PhD in Pastoral Counseling.Lyle started his journey working in treatment by entering a program for his own addiction in the 90s. His first experience in treatment was as a cash-pay client in a high-end residential facility that “graduated” him as soon as his money ran out. About 3 months after being sent to a ¾-way home that was overrun with drugs, he relapsed and felt hopeless.

marriage changes after sobriety

Identifying Healthy Relationships

  • I would get hysterical calls from my grandchildren saying mom forgot to pick them up from school.
  • Well, so when I stopped you, I kind of wanted to talk about things that spouses can do or things that you did.
  • If you’re in early recovery from addiction, give yourself time.

We had become enmeshed, and I saw this as my fault. The time alone gave me space to do my own soul work and attend to my own life. Addiction affects the entire family, including you.

Identifying Toxic Relationships

Top Dog is other-centered and over-responsible, and feels invulnerable, self-sufficient, and loved only when giving. They both feel sorry for themselves, blame one another, and have guilt and shame, but Underdog feels guilty needing help, and Top Dog feels guilty not giving it. Remember that alcoholism is a progressive and incurable disease but recovery is possible.

marriage changes after sobriety

And there are definitely pluses scattered throughout all of this. Right and you know, talk to people, leave my corporate job. And it was always amazing how much you felt the need to be secretive in the beginning about making this like positive change? Where you think, right, the thing you need to be secretive about is you don’t I mean, this, you know, you’re drinking right? You were worried people were gonna find out, right? Like, yes, people at work or whatever, right?

marriage changes after sobriety

Suggest Sober Activities